I’m here to compare.

1Is OneTechSpace free?

Yes, absolutely. We make no money from our visitors when they browse through the website.

2How does OneTechSpace benefit from me browsing their website?

We make a small commission if you make a purchase or transaction on the websites of the service providers you find on OneTechSpace, and only if you go to them through our website. This is called a "referral".

3Can you help me choose which service provider you think is best?

We know that the illusion of choice sometimes can be confusing, but we only pick the best of the best to review and list on our website anyway. You can rest assured that all of our service providers are reputable and come with glowing reviews.

4If I face a problem on a service provider's website, can you help me?

Unfortunately, we are unable to help with any issues you may face on the websites of a service provider. However, we ensure that all of the service providers we work with have excellent support teams, so feel free to reach out to them.

I’m a service provider.

1How do I list our service or company on your website?

Easy! Just get in touch with us on the Contact Us page.

We will ask you to provide some information about your business, such as a list of all the services you offer, prices, as well as information about how you handle customer support and what your current number of customers are.

2Is it free to get listed on your website?

At the moment, yes! We, however, would ask you to set up some form of referral system that automatically tracks our customers when they visit your website and share the number of conversions. 

3How much commission does OneTechSpace take?

Commission rates vary from one business to another, and depends entirely on how your customers pay you (in terms of amount, frequency, etc). That is a discussion we have together before we initiate an agreement.