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Send emails, Create pages and Automate your Marketing




Simon Grabowski

Based in

Gdańsk, Poland


German, English, French, Italian, Polish and more

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GetResponse is a popular email marketing and automation tool used by businesses to create, manage and send professional email campaigns, newsletters and landing pages. It offers a wide range of features including email design templates, A/B testing, list segmentation, automation workflows, advanced analytics and more. It is known for its’ statistical analysis tools and in itself, holds some impressive credentials that speak for its success as an email marketing solution. In fact, GetResponse generates over 1,000,000 leads per month and vows to turn anonymous connections into loyal fans. It offers free email templates that can be custom designed to create consistency throughout your business and ultimately, a trusted client relationship with your brand.


• Newsletters If there’s anything that can help you keep track of your next big marketing campaign and promotions, it will be newsletters and correlative services offered by Getresponse.

• Autoresponders The Getresponse AI-powered setup allows the user to generate a series of auto responding messages according to the type of email received. These responses can also be customized accordingly.

• Automated blog digest Getresponse holds the ability to automatically manage and upgrade your blog digest from time to time. To do so, you need to integrate the suite accordingly.

• Automated emails Once you get a list of potential leads to work with, you can automate the whole lead generation process with the help of the Getresponse suite. The automated emails can also be customized accordingly.

• Transactional emails For eCommerce-based websites, Getresponse offers email-related services that allow the managers to send transactional emails for any purchase made as a part of transaction confirmation.

• SMTP-triggered emails The SMTP-triggered emails allow you to get emails directly from clients to the FME Server as a JSON extension. With Getresponse, you can even monitor the whole pathway.

• Landing page building For any website, the most crucial page is the landing page. It is the very first place displayed once the website opens and can be designed according to the highest standards with Getresponse.

• Integrating the webinar features Webinars can be quite a great option for carrying organic traffic to your website fast. With the Getresponse suite in action, you can directly integrate the webinar-related features into your website.