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WordPress SEO Plugin




Daniel Tan

Based in

Klang, Malaysia


English, Malay

Video & Screenshots


SEOPressor is an SEO plugin for WordPress that helps website owners optimize their content for search engines. It was first launched in 2010 and has since become a popular choice for those looking to improve their on-page SEO. The plugin offers a range of features, including automated SEO analysis, keyword optimization, and suggestions for improving content. With SEOPressor, users can ensure that their content is well-structured, keyword-rich, and optimized for search engines. It is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small blogs to large e-commerce websites.


  • On-Page Analysis: SEOPressor provides comprehensive on-page analysis and optimization recommendations for your website’s content, titles, headings, meta descriptions, images, and more, helping you to improve your site’s overall search engine visibility.
  • SEO Audit: SEOPressor’s SEO Audit feature allows you to quickly identify technical issues and opportunities for improvement on your website, such as broken links, missing alt tags, and slow page speed, helping you to enhance your site’s performance and user experience.
  • Keyword Analysis: With SEOPressor, you can perform in-depth keyword analysis to discover the best keywords to target for your website, along with their search volume, competition, and relevance, ensuring that your content is optimized for the right keywords and has the potential to rank higher in search results.
  • LSI Keywords: SEOPressor’s LSI Keyword feature suggests related keywords and phrases to include in your content, improving your content’s topical relevance and making it more attractive to search engines and users.
  • Rich Snippets: SEOPressor helps you to add rich snippets to your website, making your search results stand out with additional information such as star ratings, reviews, and images, increasing click-through rates and driving more traffic to your site.
  • Local SEO: SEOPressor’s Local SEO feature helps you to optimize your website for local search, making it easier for local customers to find your business online and increasing your visibility in local search results.
  • Automatic Smart Linking: SEOPressor’s Automatic Smart Linking feature automatically links keywords and phrases in your content to relevant pages on your site, improving your site’s internal linking structure and making it easier for users to navigate your site.
  • Social SEO: SEOPressor’s Social SEO feature allows you to optimize your content for social media, making it more shareable and increasing your visibility on social media platforms, driving more traffic to your site.
  • Crawler Control: With SEOPressor, you can control how search engines crawl and index your site, preventing duplicate content and ensuring that your site is optimized for search engine algorithms.
  • Compatibility: SEOPressor is compatible with all WordPress themes and plugins, making it easy to integrate into your existing website and optimize your content for search engines.