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The Growth Hacking Tool




Artem Borodatyuk

Based in

Odesa, Ukraine


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Serpstat is an all-in-one SEO platform that offers a variety of features to help businesses improve their online visibility. The platform includes tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink analysis, site audit, rank tracking, and more. With a user-friendly interface, Serpstat makes it easy to track SEO metrics, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. Serpstat’s database includes over 200 million keywords and 170 million domains, making it a comprehensive solution for SEO and digital marketing. Additionally, the platform offers integrations with Google Analytics and Google Search Console, as well as a Chrome extension for easy access.


  • Keyword Research: Serpstat offers advanced keyword research tools with insights into search volumes, keyword difficulty, related keywords, and more.
  • Site Audit: With Serpstat’s site audit tool, users can identify technical SEO issues on their website, such as broken links, page speed issues, and more.
  • Competitor Analysis: Serpstat’s competitor analysis tools allow users to identify their competitors’ top-performing keywords, backlinks, and advertising campaigns.
  • Backlink Analysis: Users can analyze their own backlinks or their competitors’ backlinks with Serpstat’s backlink analysis tools. The tool provides insights on the quality of the backlinks, anchor texts, referring domains, and more.
  • Rank Tracking: Serpstat allows users to track their website’s rankings on search engines for specific keywords.
  • Advertising Analysis: With Serpstat’s advertising analysis tools, users can analyze their competitors’ advertising campaigns, identify their top-performing keywords, and more.
  • Content Marketing: Serpstat offers tools to help users identify high-performing content on specific topics and find content gaps in their own content strategy.
  • API Access: Serpstat offers API access for developers to integrate its tools into their own applications.